Ungli is an upcoming comedy-drama film in Hindi language written and the film is directed by Rensil D'Silva and produced by Karan Johar and Hiroo Yash Johar. The film features an assembly cast including Emraan Hashmi, Randeep Hooda, Kangana Ranaut, , Angad Bedi , Neil Bhoopalam, and Sanjay Dutt. The film is now expected to release on 28 November 2014 delayed for over a year.
The main story of Ungli movie is about a gang of five friends who turn rebel and decide to finally take a stand on corruption. Let it be the unwilling auto wala or the corrupt cops, they are here to teach a lesson to all. They are a group of vigilante who make a decision it’s time to take matters into their own hands and expose the corrupt. They have only one hurdle, a gritty cop ‘Kali’ who is trying every bit to catch them.
Directed by: Rensil D'Silva
Produced by:Karan Johar and Hiroo Yash Johar
Written by:Milap Milan Zaveri
Story by:Rensil D'Silva
Starring:Emraan Hashmi,Kangana Ranaut, Sanjay Dutt,Angad Bedi,,Kangana Ranaut,Randeep Hooda,Neil Bhoopalam
Edited by:Deepa Bhatia
Release dates:28 November 2014