New enrollees in reconstruction Some 70,000 families are participating in the draw for assignment of mortgages PROCREAR, expansion and completion of playoffs and an instance for those who were not drawn on earlier occasions in the same lines of credit.

Of the total, 29,929 and 40,048 new enrollees are participating in the playoffs. The draw takes place at the National Lottery headquarters and 9 Public Television broadcasts it.

Of the 29,929 families who will be in the first drawing, signed in 8688 and 21,241 in Spare additional room; of the 40,048 participating repechage, 8359 and 31,689 belong to Spare in additional room and termination.

For identification Recall that enrollees are receiving by email the relevant data.
After the draw Immediately the result will be communicated to each email, or, what may be consulted from the program website: www.procrear.anses.gob.ar.

Diego Bossio who is  the executive director of the ANSES, said: "father has reached its tenth draw, which means that once again the hopes of many Argentines improve, extend or terminate your house is changed.

The fact that it takes place in National Lottery guarantees absolute simplicity in access to credit, providing equal opportunities for all.

Spare is planned for families wishing to refurbish our home improvements or expanding as network installations, masonry, roofing and siding, purchase of appliances and tools.

For these cases, this line offers preset rates and weights ranging from 7% to 18%, term of up to 7 years and amounts to $ 130,000.

Meanwhile, development and achievement are aimed at families with housing, either on their own land or in the immediate family and who wish to extend or end. These lines correspond to rates ranging from 2% to 11%, as long as 15 years and amounts to $ 260,000. For expansion, housing may not exceed 50 m2; for completion, 150 m2.
ANSeS recalled that on Friday October 3 ending enrollment since www.procrear.anses.gob.ar, to participate in the first 8 draws for those families who have no own grounds belonging to the Development Urbanísticos online.

The construction of 3257 homes, representing an investment of over $ 2.877 billion include these projects and will benefit more than 13,000 people.